Guard Vadar & The Brick Drain Cover
Flo Shor Products are simple, easy and low cost solutions for clogged down sprouts and subterranean drainage systems.
Guard Vadar and its big brother The Brick Drain Cover are made of durable plastic that can with stand all types of weather. Their unique designs fit most standard residential and commercial roof downspouts or leader pipes, patio decks and roof to wall drains. Both products have been thoroughly tested by experienced roofers, gutter cleaners and installers with both having rave reviews.
- Keeps leaves and debris out of drains and leader pipes
- No tools needed to install
- No assembly required
- No nuts or bolts
- No rust ever again
Guard Vadar and The Brick Drain Cover both have been designed for all gutter systems with round or square holes. Both products work in extremely well in high foliage areas. When It comes to durability, effectiveness, installation and cost.
Guard Vadar and the Brick Drain Covers are far more superior to any other downspout protection devices on the market today! Wire mesh cones are not effective they rust and begin t deteriorate and eventually push down into the very down spout they were designed to protect. Gutter screens are expensive and have limited effectiveness. They still require cleaning and maintenance. When they become inundated with pine needles and other heavy debris the water will overshoot the gutters and downspout system.
Guard Vadar Is great for all types of gutters.
The Brick Drain Cover is excellent for flat roofs, open field drains, garages, roof to wall drains and interior gutter systems.